CATAN Masters Invitational

The CATAN Masters Invitational is a special Qualifier tournament for the Master CATAN player.

How To Qualify:

To qualify for the Masters Invitational Tournament, you must have placed in the Top 16 at any previous year’s National Championship.

How To Attend:

The CATAN Studio Organized Play team will send invitations in rank order to players on the Masters list. If those players don’t respond by a certain date, then open seats are offered to the next block of players, and so on until the seats are filled.

We will place late RSVPs on a waiting list.

This program began with the 2016 World Championship in Durango, Colorado. We awarded players on the previous Masters list 1 point to start off the program. Presently, this program is active in the United States, Canada (as of 2019), and the United Kingdom (as of 2022).

2023 Winners

Congratulations to our 2023 Masters Invitational Winners!

Katie Alex, Jonathan Wilson, Jack Usher, and Martin Smith were our top 4. Katie and Martin were already qualified for the 2023 United States National Championship, so additional players will receive invitations.

How To Earn Points:

Once qualified by placing in the top 16 at their National Championship, players will earn points as follows.

* Important: A player does not earn points for attending their National Championship the year they qualify (by reaching the top 16). They may earn an additional point for reaching the Final Table (max of 2 points that year).

Gen Con 2023

The most recent Masters Invitational took place at Gen Con 2023 in Indianapolis, IN on Friday, August 4.

2023 Games:

The CATAN Masters Tournament always features expansions, scenarios, and/or standalone games. Players were pre-informed about the first two games as seen below, and the third was a surprise!


All participants received a CATAN Masters t-shirt, as well as a bag of CATAN Masters goodies. In addition, the winner of each game won the copy of the game at their table!

The top four players at the 2023 Masters Invitational also won a seat at their country’s next National Championship event:

  • United States: Minneapolis, MN / September 16-17, 2023
  • Canada: TBD / Summer 2024
  • United Kingdom: Birmingham (UK Games Expo) / Summer 2024

If a player in the top four has already qualified for their National Championship, the next person in the final rankings will take their place.